DMK PIC kods: 949269161
Course catalogue (2021. – 2024.)

Daugavpils University Agency “Daugavpils University Daugavpils Medical College”
Daugavpils Universitātes aģentūra “Daugavpils Universitātes Daugavpils medicīnas koledža
Address: Varšavas iela 26a, Daugavpils, LV-5404, Latvija
Tel.: +371 654-37943
Contact email: erasmusplus@dmk.lv
Website: www.dmk.lv
Daugavpils University Agency “Daugavpils University Daugavpils Medical College” (further – DMC) is a state-founded under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science educational establishment, which provides students with an opportunity to acquire five first level higher education programmes in the field of medicine and social care:
Study direction “Health Care”
- study programme “Nursing” (41723) with the qualification of a “nurse”;
- study programme “Treatment” (41721) with the qualification of a “physician`s assistant”;
- study programme “Therapeutic massage” (41722) with the qualification of a “massage therapist”;
- study programme “Aesthetic cosmetology” (41722) with the qualification of a “beauty specialist in cosmetology”.
Study direction „Social welfare”
- study programme “ Social care ”(41762) with the qualification of a “social caregiver”;
- study programme “ Social rehabilitation” with the qualification of a “social rehabilitator”.
The College also implements one vocational education programme “Nursing” (35a723001) with the qualification of a “nursing assistant” and one vocational secondary education programme “Child Care” (35b 761011) with the qualification of a “nanny”.
DMC is the only professional educational establishment, which prepares specialists for regional health care, ensuring regional and state demands as well as promotes the development of Latgale region.
DMC cooperates with different health care establishments to improve teaching and research methodology and shares innovative learning materials. In the College, there are rich material and technical resources and a contemporary library. The College has solid experience of participating in EU funding projects. We have real opportunities to provide support and assistance for project target groups to achieve all project goals and for productive and successful implementation of the project.
In the sphere of human resources development DMC (https://www.dmk.lv) has been involved in the LLP-ERASMUS programme since 2008. The College has developed a vast network of international partners cooperating with Germany, Poland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Turkey and other countries. We have great experience in developing and managing different projects.
From March 3, 2018, DMC began working in a new status as Daugavpils University Agency “Daugavpils University Daugavpils Medical College”.
Erasmus + Programme Support Directions:
- mobility of persons for learning purposes;
- cooperation to promote innovation and exchange of good practices;
- support for policy reforms.
Daugavpils University Agency “Daugavpils University Daugavpils Medical College” in the new programme period of the Erasmus + programme will provide:
- student exchange – training in foreign partner institutions and internships;
- staff exchange – exchange of experience in foreign institutions or companies.
The College has been awarded a new Erasmus + Charter for participation in the ERASMUS + programme for the period 2021 to 2027, which enables the College to continue implementing Erasmus + programme activities for students and staff in accordance with the basic principles of the Charter.
DMC Erasmus+ Charter number: (2021) 1529068
DMC Erasmus+ ID code: LV DAUGAVP02
As in the previous implementation period, in the new programming period 2021-2027, the Erasmus + programme will include learning, internship and staff mobility; there will be more opportunities for Erasmus + participants, with a strong emphasis on digitization and digital skills development.
By signing the Erasmus + Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), the higher education institution confirms that it will participate in the implementation of the EC plan for modernization and internationalization of higher education.
LIST OF 1st Level Professional Higher Education Study Programs in College:

More information for download
Application procedure for ERASMUS+ students
The Application forms should be filled in electronically, printed out, signed and sent to DMC.
The Learning Agreement has to be filled in, stamped and signed by the university and the student applying for the mobility.
With all issues related to the study programmes and required courses, students should consult the ECTS guide and the course catalogue annually prepared by each programme.
We will send the Letter of Acceptance to students only after receiving the Application Form and Learning Agreement.
Applications from students of our partner institutions can only be accepted.
All completed documents should be sent to erasmusplus@dmk.lv
- Application form
- Learning agreement
- Transcript of records
- A valid copy of Passport or ID card
- Health insurance card or any other relevant document
- Official passport photo
- Application for accommodation
There is no need to send the Application Form and Learning Agreement by post. You can just take the required signatures and stamps and send the scanned documents to us.
The transcript of records issued by sending institutions provides up-to-date records of students’ progress in their studies: the educational components they have taken, the number of ECTS credits they have achieved, and the grades they have been awarded.
We recommend you to have travel insurance. It is mandatory to have European Health Insurance Card! In case you cannot apply for the European Health Insurance Card, it is mandatory to have health insurance coverage in Latvia. NB! DMC does not provide you with either accident insurance, health insurance or liability insurance. Having adequate insurance is the student´s responsibility.
Materials and technical support
The College has a modern material and technical base and provides all the conditions for obtaining competitive education and training specialists in the fields of health and social care for the needs of the labour market in Latgale region.
The College continues to work on the quality and growth of education, on optimizing the use of resources by investing in long-term development.
The latest information technologies are used in the acquisition of programmes, providing an independent Internet connection to all computers linked to the local network.
The College training premises are arranged in accordance with the structure of professional study courses. IT equipment (interactive whiteboards, projectors, grafo projectors, special equipment for organizing practical work) is available in classrooms. The existing infrastructure of educational facilities meets the requirements of the programmes in terms of quantity and quality.
Students and lecturers have access to modern equipment, computers, databases and room equipment. Projectors are used in the study process; free access to the Internet is provided. Thanks to EU co-financed projects, the latest technologies, mannequins and interactive whiteboards are available. Students can learn by using methodological material from CDs, as well as by practising independently in care rooms, improving their knowledge, skills and competence in procedural standards.
The College Library fully provides students with relevant educational literature and periodicals in Latvian, English and Russian, regularly informs about news using the e-environment, as well as ensures the public availability and use of existing information. The reading room has 20 working places, new computers with widescreen monitors, Internet connection and Wi-Fi.